Free entry in the business database.

We encourage businessmen from the Kleszczów Commune to register in our database for free.

    Upload your company logo (file size maximum 2MB, format: png/jpg/jpeg):

    Privacy Notice

    All you need to know about your data processing.

    1. ADMINISTRATOR AND CONTACT WITH THE ADMINISTRATOR The Administrator of your details is the Kleszczów Commune Development Foundation (Fundacja Rozwoju Gminy Kleszczów, FRGK) with the registered office at ul. Sportowa 3 in Kleszczów. You can contact us by post or e-mail at:
    2. YOUR RIGHTSYou have the right to access your data, correct them, request removing them as well as the right to limit the data processing, transfer and, in some situations, also object against your personal data processing. If you think your personal data is processed against the law, you can lodge a claim to the supervisory body - President of UODO (Urząd Ochrony Danych Osobowych, Personal Data Protection Office).
    3. WHAT DO WE NEED YOUR PERSONAL DATA FOR? Your personal data shall be processed in order to contact you, answer your questions and deal with your matter, to establish future collaboration with you or the institution you are representing, for analytical purposes and for marketing purposes, consisting in promotion of our website.
    4. WHY WE CAN PROCESS YOUR PERSONAL DATA The basis for processing your personal data are articles 6 item 1 letter b and letter f of GDPR. Our legally justified interest is marketing of the portal, contact with you and dealing with your matter, and analytics of our website.
    5. HOW LONG WE CAN PROCESS THEM? Your data will only be processed for the time, required for completing all the objectives of the data processing, specified in item IV above, and after this time, for the time, required for proofing that we perform our duties correctly (it is usually going to be the expiry date of liabilities or claims). In the scope of marketing, your data shall only be processed for the time of the marketing activity or until you object.
    6. WHO WE CAN PROVIDE YOUR PERSONAL DATA Your personal data can be provided to the hosts of our website or our other data, providers of analytical tools, providers of marketing tools, courier companies and the Polish Post. The data shall not be provided to third countries, outside of the European Economic Area.
    7. VOLUNTARY NATURE We would like to highlight the fact that the delivery of the personal data is totally voluntarily, however if you do not provide them, we will not be able to answer your questions or deal with your matter or establish future collaboration.
    8. OBJECTION You have the right to express your objection against processing of your personal data, if your data is processed:
      1. On the basis of our legally justified interests - you can submit your objection for the reasons related to your special situation and it shall require a justification.
      2. For the needs of direct marketing - you can object anytime, without a reason.
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